Final Test - International Financial Accounting Course
December 16, 2024 - 16:00 - Computer Room 1
Dear Students,
as mentioned several times during the course I have scheduled a final test on December 16, 2024 at 16:00.
The Final test is a written test with which you could test your learning.
However, if you pass this final test with a minimum score of 18/30 points you could register this grade in January during the official date of January 20, 2025. To register this grade you have to register you participation to that exam's date and indicate in the comments your decision to accept the grade you obtained in the Final Test.
If you came and attend the exam of January 20, 2025 this implicitly means that you have refused the grade you obtained in the Final Test.
The possibility to register the grade of the Final Test is restricted only to the exam's date of January 23, 2023. If you do not register your participation for that exam's date this automatically means that you have refused the grade of the Final Test.
This Final Test will take place in presence in the Computer Room 1 in the Presidio San Francesco Building (Piazza San Francesco no. 7, Siena).
In the Final Test are included imply multiple choice questions and open question. To run the Written test we will utilize the Safe Exam Browser (SEB) software. In order to train with the SEB software please visit the following link https://esami.unisi.it/seb/. For technical problems, you can contact our exams support team at supporto.esami@unisi.it indicating in the subject the name of the course that the exam refers to.
When requesting technical support, please use your unisi address @student.unisi.it since other addresses might not be delivered correctly.
To attend the Final Test please read the following rules:
1. When you will have you seat in front of a Computer you have to enter the SEB software and then you have to enter through your personal username (@student.unisi.it) and your personal password;
2. When entered the Professor in charge to supervise the Computer Room will provide you the final password to access the International Financial Accounting Final Test;
3. During the Final Test you couldn’t utilize anything (no documents and/or devices).
The Written test will include 10 multiple-choice questions and 4 open questions. As to the ultiple choice questions this could one or more option correct. The time length of the Written test is 40 minutes.
In order to give your answer through the SEB software you could freely navigate the different pages of the Written test.
During the Final Test the SEB software do not permit any other action on the Computer you are utilizing. However, if during the Final Test will be detected some behaviors not permitted this will determine the immediate closing of the Final Test.
At the end of the Final Test please inform the Professor supervising the Computer Room before to leave the Room, then click on the bottom to end the test and wait for a confirmation from the Professor. If you reach the maximum time length available, the SEB software will end automatically the Final Test. Also, in this case please inform the Professor supervision the Computer Room before to leave the Room.
During the Final Test you will be informed about the date, hour and place when the results of the published on the Moodle Platform of the International Financial Accounting Course.